Sharing ArchiMate Models

Are you sharing your ArchiMate models and design patterns with the rest of the ArchiMate modelling community? Or are you hiding them in company silos? What are good and useful examples of ArchiMate models currently in circulation? How does one start with the ArchiMate language as a beginner? Interesting questions. I often get emails from […]

Solstice Update

Solstice Greetings! I thought I’d write a review of the latter half of 2014 and a brief update of where we are now before we move into 2015. So, what’s happened since the last blog post in July? New Forums In August we moved the forums to a new home at The Google Groups […]

Archi, ArchiMate and Open Source

The Open Group recently published an interesting case study on their blog, ArchiMate, An Open Group Standard: Public Research Centre Henri Tudor and Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg. In 2012, the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg allowed the Public Research Centre Henri Tudor to experiment with an access rights management system modeled using ArchiMate. According to the […]

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