Archi Roadmap
This is not a linear roadmap where milestone follows milestone, but rather an outline of some of features that we’re working on or intend to work on. These development features run in parallel.
This is free and open source software, and there are no guarantees as to whether a feature will be implemented or when it will be implemented. But the good news is, because it’s open source, you can fork the code and implement your pet features yourself.
Archi 5 is the current version of Archi. Development work covers the core features of Archi. The focus of the next version is extending the implementation of Specializations with Profiles.
We also have plans beyond this version of Archi, as you can see from the “Archi Future” branch.
coArchi – Multi-User and Collaboration
coArchi is an extension to Archi that allows collaborative work on Archi models through sharing and versioning in a Git-based repository. It’s a work in progress and we are constantly improving it. More information is available here.
jArchi and ACLI – Scripting and the Archi Command Line Interface
We have already developed the core engine of a JavaScript based Scripting plug-in and Command line support. The Scripting plug-in (jArchi) allows power users to manipulate their Archi models (and the Archi application itself) to do things such as batch processing, report generation, queries, etc. Combined with the Archi Command Line Interface (ACLI) it’s possible to automate many processes.
Visualisations, Query, and Reporting
Building on the work of the previous milestones we will extend the Archi workflow so that end-users will be able to create their own HTML/JS plugins for such things as query languages, reports, analysis, visualisations, and heatmaps.
Extending the Archi and ArchiMate Ecosystem
We envisage that users will want to work with their Archi generated ArchiMate models in other frameworks and in the cloud. For example, a company may have their own HTML reporting frameworks or model repositories. Integration with other modelling languages and frameworks will also be on our radar. Using the Open ArchiMate Exchange Format we aim to extend the overall Archi and ArchiMate ecosystem with open cloud-based solutions to completely eliminate the dependence on closed proprietary toolsets and data formats.