Archi 4.2 Released

Archi version 4.2 has been released!

Archi 4.2
Archi 4.2

In addition to some fixes and small features we’ve added support for 2x icons and images so that those of you with high resolution screens will get a better UI experience.

Also, we’ve greatly improved the Archi Command Line Interface (ACLI). This has become a powerful tool for those who which to automate some Archi processes, such as getting the latest model changes from the Collaboration Plug-in and then perhaps generating reports, or exporting CSV files. You can read about how these improvements to the ACLI came about here. For more information about how to use the ACLI, check out this wiki page.

Here’s a list of commands currently implemented in the ACLI:

usage: Archi -application -consoleLog -nosplash [options...]

Common options:
 -a,--abortOnException          If present all further command line providers will not run when an exception is thrown
 -h,--help                      Show this help

Registered providers:
 [Create Empty Model] Create an empty model and set to the current model (from optional template)
 [Load & Clone Collaboration Model] Load and/or clone from a local or online collaboration repository and set to the current model
 [Load Model] Load a model from file and set to the current model
 [Import from Open Exchange XML format] Import from an Open Exchange XML format file and set to the current model
 [Import from CSV] Import data from CSV into the current model
 [Export to Open Exchange XML format] Export the current model to the Open Exchange XML file format
 [HTML Reports] Generate a HTML report from the current model
 [Jasper Reports] Generate Jasper Reports from the current model
 [Export to CSV] Export the current model to CSV file format
 [Save Model] Save the current model to file

   --createEmptyModel <*.architemplate file>          Create an empty model and set to the current model. If <*.architemplate file> is set,
                                                      this will be used as the model's template.
   --csv.export <path>                                Export the current model in CSV format to the given path.
   --csv.exportDelimiter <delimiter>                  Delimiter to use for CSV export. One of "," ";" or "\t" (optional, default is ",")
   --csv.exportEncoding <encoding>                    Encoding to use for CSV export. One of "UTF-8", "UTF-8 BOM" or "ANSI" (optional,
                                                      default is "UTF-8",)
   --csv.exportFilenamePrefix <prefix>                Prefix for file names to use for CSV export (optional, default is none).
   --csv.exportLeadingZeros                           Use Excel leading zeros/spaces workaround for CSV export (optional, default is false).
   --csv.exportStripNewLines                          Strip newline characters for CSV export (optional, default is false).
   --csv.import <elements.csv file>                   Import into the current model in CSV format from the supplied elements.csv file.
   --html.createReport <path>                         Create a HTML Report from the current model to the folder set at <path>.
   --jasper.createReport <path>                       Create Jasper Reports from the current model to the folder set at <path>.
   --jasper.filename <name>                           File name to use for Jasper Reports (required).
   --jasper.format <format>                           List of comma separated output formats for Jasper Reports. Any of
                                                      PDF,HTML,RTF,PPT,ODT,DOCX (optional, default is PDF).
   --jasper.locale <locale>                           Locale for Jasper Reports in "en_GB" format (optional, default is the current system
   --jasper.template <main.jrxml>                     Full path to the main.jrxml Jasper Reports template file (optional, default is
                                                      Customisable Report).
   --jasper.title <title>                             Title of Jasper Reports (required).
   --loadModel <*.archimate file>                     Load a *.archimate model from file and set to the current model.
   --modelrepository.cloneModel <url>                 Clone a collaboration model from <url> to the <path> set in option
                                                      --modelrepository.loadModel (optional).
   --modelrepository.loadModel <path>                 Load a collaboration model from the given repository folder at <path> (required if
                                                      option --modelrepository.cloneModel is used).
   --modelrepository.password <password>              Online repository login password (required if option --modelrepository.cloneModel is
   --modelrepository.userName <userName>              Online repository login user name (required if option --modelrepository.cloneModel is
   --saveModel <*.archimate file>                     Save the current model to a *.archimate file.
   --xmlexchange.export <path>                        Export the current model in Open Exchange XML format to <path>.
   --xmlexchange.exportFolders                        If set, the model's folder structure will be exported as an <organization> structure
                                                      (optional, default is false).
   --xmlexchange.exportLang <lang>                    Two letter language code for export. Example - en, fr, de (optional, default is none).
   --xmlexchange.import <*.xml file>                  Import an XML Open Exchange file and set to the current model.

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Collaboration Plug-in

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